WMMR-FM Westinghouse Broadcasting
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 1991 to August 1993 – Nights
Gonzo went to Philly to do the night show and convince aging rock listeners that Nirvana was cool. Surprised everyone by being successful.
“I found Gonzo Greg in California and asked him to come to Philadelphia to shake things up a bit, which he did. People thought I was out of my mind.”
-Joe Bonadonna, Program Director, WMMR
Program Director:
Joe Bonadonna
Spring 1993:
#1 Men 18-34
#1 Men 18-49
#1 Men 25-49
#1 Men 25-34
#2 Persons 25-49
“WMMR turned a good trend last month, but the Spring Book qualifies as an unmitigated mindblower. Former kingpin WYSP dipped slightly 6.0 – 5.8 as WMMR regained the throne with a whopping 4.1 – 6.6 rebound. Highlights include Gonzo Greg building 4.7 – 5.5 at night.” – Hard Report, July 16, 1993