The Greatest
TV News Video of the Moment: From WISH-TV Indianapolis:

Okay, so I'm watching a
little Indianapolis television news, and I happened
to catch one of those classic live tv moments. Here's
an mpg. You're welcome.
Band Celebrates America's Independence By Inspiring
Lots Of Bad Behavior
We also raised a few bucks
for the Indiana Blind Children's Foundation!
Thank you, again for your generousity.

To Wait For Arrival Of New Big Dumb Show Merchandise,
Show Host Gonzo Greg Gets New Tattoo
insuring that I will never be able to find gainful
employment outside the radio industry, I spent an
hour Saturday afternoon over at Metamorphosis
in Broad Ripple (yes, Don: "Hippieville")
getting a new tat.
Not to be outdone, Don insisted
on showing off his new (Sharpie) ink at Peppers Saturday
night as well.
Man Tries To Suck Up To Pissed Off F-1 Fans
Michelin, who said their tires
weren't good enough to race at Indianapolis ... is
offering refunds to everybody who got hosed on the
Grand Prix race at Indianapolis.
Hollywood Superstar Holding
Sweet, Naive Young Actress Hostage To Prove He's Heterosexual:
Look, I'll be honest. I don't
know Katie Holmes from any of the other eleventy-billion
young "starlets" being churned
out of Hollywood these days. But it makes me sad to
see this one, obviously under the influence of some
"I'm-Tom-Cruise-And-I'm-Not-Gay" Date Rape/Movie
Promotion drug. In fact, I didn't know I cared so
much until I found this website. Free Katie!
Indianapolis Music Critic Named
"Douche Of The Day" Thursday
Local Music Critic, David
Lindquist, who's musical favorites
include Ashlee Simpson and ex-MTV
idiot VJ Jesse Camp, gives a less-than
glowing review of the X-103 MayDay Concert.
Also; shiny, bald head visible from space.
Hardest Rockin', Most Popular Local Band Ever Appears
at Greatest Spectacle In Racing - Hyperbole Pulls
A Hamstring

Once known at the
Snake Pit, inside turn four is now
home of the Miller Lite Party Deck,
and there is no better spot to watch the race, or
get your ass rocked by the Big Dumb Show
house band, the Three Chord Orchestra.
If you weren't there, you missed a helluva party.
If you were there, you probably don't remember much
... so check out all the highlights at the Three
Chord Orchestra website.
Giant Radioactive Monster Attacks
Speedway! (Oh, Wait ... It's Pinto Bob at the Track)
favorite vanilla gorilla did his part to celebrate
the Month Of May in Indianapolis;
He was there for Quals, Carb Day, and Race Day ...
and he's documented his epic adventure ... including
the deflowering of the Miller Lite Party Deck.
He's posted some truly outstanding photography on
his fan site ... which we have absolutely nothing
to do with, by the way ... so click at your own risk.
Holy Crap! MayDay 2005 Was HUGE!
MayDay 2005 has set the bar
for every show to come this summer. Well, for me,
anyway ...

Robby Gordon Makes Himself The
"Biggest Testicle In Racing"
Robby Gordon
is all over the news this past weekend, whining
about Danica Patrick's weight advantage
in IRL racing. 10 non-winning trips to the Indy 500,
and this guy finally has the good sense to give up
and just go run NASCAR at Charlotte on Memorial Day
weekend; yet he still opens his hillbilly trap to
complain to the press that since he's a fat-ass, "it's
not fair" that he might have to compete against
somebody that can occasionally say "no"
to a triple cheeseburger.
Given Robby "Lardass"
Gordon's recent sour grapes comments, I would like
to invite you to join my efforts to keep his ginormous
ass out of Indianapolis for the Brickyard.
your help, we can all raise enough funding so that
Mr. Gordon can enter the Jenny Craig
program for a year, and compete against Danica Patrick
on the level playing field that he is so desperately
whining for, at the 90th running of the Indianapolis

Culture In Indy
Takes A Giant Leap Forward! Highlights from
the Vogue, Monday 5/23:
You Have Any Idea How Fast You Were Going? Local Traffic
Reporter Wets Self In Indy Car

Don Stuck "accelerated
his senses" and took an ass-clenching ride around
the Indianapolis Motor Speedway with driver Davey
Hamilton on Friday after the broadcast. (Thanks to
Miller Lite). I'd hate to be the guy who had to sit
in that seat after him. Here's the video:
here for video (Windows Media)
Indianapolis Overwhelmingly
Rejects Plans for Danica Patrick "Rally Chicken"
Hopefully, cooler heads will
prevail, and the chicken, which has already jinxed
the Colts, the Pacers, and caused the Firebirds to
leave town completely ... will have no association
with the brightest star at this year's 500, the fetching
Danica Patrick. (above left)